Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Twenty Three and Twenty Four weeks old

Actual: Twenty three weeks (February 10th - 16th)
Corrected: Ten weeks
Weight: 11 pounds 4 ounces (February 16)

We had a busy week this week. We started off at the ENT doctor. Andrew and I are so happy that Evan's zombie noises have not come back. We knew that the doctor could potentially hear something via the stethoscope, but we had high hopes Evan would have clear breathing. Thankfully the doctor didn't hear any issues with Evan's trachea! We'll go back in another 8 weeks for another check up.

Evan also had a head ultrasound scheduled this week. This ultrasound was to check up on the connatal cysts that were present in Evan's brain at birth. The NICU doctors always told us that they were benign and wouldn't present problems for Evan. Evan's pediatrician just wanted to see if the cysts were still present. Evan was a champ for the test. He took his bottle while the technician styled his few wisps of hair with goo. The unofficial report when we left was that the cysts appeared to have disappeared! We had to wait another several days to get the official report that told the same story. We are so relieved.

February 16th was my 30th birthday. Uncle Owen and Stephanie came up the night before to babysit Mr. Pants. I'm happy to report that a good time was had by all. Andrew and I managed to get away fro about 4 hours. We had an awesome dinner. I called home only because I felt like it was a requirement - I knew Evan was in excellent hands with Owen and Steph.

Here's Mr. Pants lovin' his thumb.

A green lamb huh. Well I'll be.

So this happened. No, that is not Evan. This is Layla, our chihuahua.

I'm not sure I can be a Yankees fan without Jeter!

Grampa is funny!!

Boop bee boop. Just practicin' my robot speak.

Now I'm practicing throwing my football.
Oh, Momma says that's all I'll ever get to do. Practice. Football is not chess club.

Gma, tell me more about this Little Penguin!

Uh, so there's a smell. And I'm pretty sure it was the dogs. Definitely not me.

Evan proves once again he can sleep anywhere that is not his bassinet.

You may commence with the washing Momma.

Actual: Twenty Four weeks (February 17th - 23rd)

Corrected: Eleven weeks
Weight: 11 pounds 7 ounces (February 23)

Evan just had his regular PT and OT appointments this week. He did manage to roll from his right side onto his stomach during his OT on Friday. We think it was intentional, but he has yet to do it again. Maybe he figures he's already done it once. We're really working on his head movement. He has a black and white striped "B" that he is just entranced by. I'll hold it up in front of his face and move it across his line of vision. He has been getting better with moving his head back and forth. Great progress! :)

On the 18th Evan was officially home longer than he was in the NICU. Evan was in the NICU for 81 days (including when he had to go back after his weekend visit home). Woohoo!

Evan is also exclusively breast fed. I put my pump away (just in the closet for now so it's not too far away). Evan is sleeping for 4-5 hour stretches at night. He seems to have mastered getting enough to eat. With his weight gain, I'm confident that he's taking enough. I have yet to see if breast feeding will help with his reflux. It certainly hasn't made a difference with his toots!

Ugh, Daddy never lets me lead when we dance!

All smiles cuz I'm about to Facetime!

Monster Monday. Planning out my day.

I really don't think I'm cut out to be a basketball fan.

I like snuggling with Daddy cuz he doesn't make a scene when I fart in bed.

Ready for summer on the Bay!

Aw man! That smell is down here again! Momma, tell the dogs to stop farting when I'm playin'.

Hehe. Just wait until I get teeth Momma!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Lovey Dovey Day

Hi Everyone! Happy Lovey Dovey Day!

Thank you for all your love and support as I grow big and strong. I wish I could hug and kiss all of you... well, the healthy ones at least!

I'm so happy I get to share my story with all of you. Thanks for following along.

Mr. Pants

PS Sometimes I'm on Instagram during the week. Find me at mrpantsrocks.

I'm a hug magnet. And a cuddle magnet.

I love you thiiiiisssss much.
I'd love you more, but my arms aren't long enough.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Twenty One and Twenty Two weeks old

Actual: Twenty one weeks (January 27th - February 2nd)
Corrected: Eight weeks
Weight: 9 pounds 12 ounces (January 30)

Not much happened this week. Evan just worked on growing!

Evan has bath time every other day and he really seems to like it. He hasn't started splashing, but he does seem to be very content. He hates getting out of the bath though - probably because he's all chilly. Andrew and I made a crucial mistake and didn't have a diaper immediately ready when Evan came out of the tub one day this week. He peed on everything. I think he was really proud of himself too. Gotta keep that weapon covered up!!

Thanks to wonderful family friends, we can now track Evan's weight daily. I'm trying to get in the habit of weighing him before he takes a bath. The scale is awesome and we're so thankful to have one. I didn't realize how much peace of mind it brings. I weighed Evan after he nursed one day - convinced he wasn't taking enough. The little man wolfed down 6 ounces!!!!! Guess he gets enough when he nurses!

Evan loves Fridays

Whoa. I am one handsome dude!

That's 9 pounds 12 ounces of happy baby
(even if I'm choosing this moment to not look happy).

Uh Daddy? Since this is your first time with the Bjorn,
could you try not to drop me? Kay thanks.

Shoot, busted for eavesdropping on Momma's phone call.
Just gotta make sure I'm the talk of the call!

Hehe. I think I like sitting in my chair! Maybe you and Daddy can take the next 2.5 seconds
to enjoy your nice dinner together. Like a normal couple.

I'm adorable. AmIrightoramIright?!

Actual: Twenty two weeks (February 3rd - February 9th)

Corrected: Nine weeks
Weight: 10 pounds 13 ounces

Boy is Evan getting heavy! He loves to spend the day in the baby bjorn which is awesome since I'm able to get stuff done around the house. He helped me bake angel food cake this week and usually tries to help with dinner. I'm noticing that I have to change my stance as he gets bigger. This must be what the 3rd trimester feels like... I have to continuously check my balance and make sure I'm not swinging Evan into things as I move around the house.

Evan is trying to work up to sleeping more at night. He is usually awake for most of the day. You would think this would make him extra tired come bedtime, but no. I think he just likes to stay up hanging out with his daddy. Andrew and I have a pretty good sleep routine. I pump and go to bed around 9 pm. Andrew hangs out/plays Grand Theft Auto/sleeps until Evan wakes up for a bottle (typically between 12 am - 1 am). Then he'll wake me up to pump. Evan gets wheeled into the bedroom and I get up with him whenever he starts to grump (around 3 am - 4 am). I'll feed Pants and then sleep on the couch so Andrew can get some solid grunt free sleep. (Grunts courtesy of Evan, not me.)

Evan had his hearing checked out this week. His hearing was last checked in the NICU. I was bummed when we couldn't be around for it, but now I understand why the night shift does it. Evan did not cooperate at all. We got instructions in the mail that told us to make sure Evan came to the appointment ready to sleep. Um, he's a baby. He'll sleep whenever he gosh darn wants to. So naturally, Evan was wide awake and ready to party when we got to his appointment. I tried stuffing him full of milk in the hopes that would make him sleepy - nope. No dice. It didn't help that he had electrodes on his head and a sensor in his ear that wouldn't stay. He was not a happy camper. In order for the tests to work, Evan has to be completely still and quiet. His head has to be at a certain angle and he cannot be awake. Maybe they've never met a baby like Evan, but even when he sleeps he grunts and moves. He is not a restful baby. Thankfully we were able to do one test. His hearing appears fine. Andrew and I were not worried about Evan's hearing since he startles himself with his farts. Due to Evan's prematurity, length of time on a ventilator and level of antibiotics that he received, there was a possibility for hearing damage. I can reschedule the test that looks deeper in the ear when Evan is on a bit of a better sleep schedule.

Evan also had his five month check up this week. The doctors are happy with his weight gain. He does have a bit of a rash under his chins, most likely due from milk dribbles. We're treating that with cream. Thankfully it doesn't seem to bother him at all. Evan did have to have his heel pricked for the newborn screen. He had this screen done several times while in the hospital. This test looks for 40 different disorders. Since Evan received many transfusions, there was one part of the test that was a bit high. The NICU doctors were not worried at all since transfusion blood comes from an adult which would make Evan's numbers high. The retest should show results comparable to a newborn baby (even though Evan is five months old). No news is good news on this test.

Active Evan video

Seriously? More pictures?
I don't care if you have these little hearts that are perfect for a Valentine's Day photo!

Ah! You caught me naked and pudgy!

So what? I don't have to do a thing for myself!
They feed me, they dress me, bathe me, and pick up after me! Why would I want to live on my own?!

Just workin' on getting this burrito undone. So far I got my feet out.

Happy burrito!
Bring it on Monday! I'm ready for ya!

Heh. This is fun. I'm not sure where my neck went though. Do you think it's important?