Corrected: Fourteen
Weight: 12 lbs. 3 oz. (March 15th)
We had a snowstorm that kept Andrew home during the week. Unfortunately, it also cancelled physical therapy for the day. I'm trying to be really good about working with Evan every day at 11 am. He still refuses to nap during the day, so at least we can have a little bit of order in the morning.
Evan is doing a great job of actively pushing his head up while he's on his tummy. It's like he flipped the switch for this part of his development.
Evan is also finding his voice. He's very chatty in the morning. Typically, he'll talk to me while we're getting him dressed for the day and after he's had first breakfast.
The video is of his response to having his head rubbed. It's not a guaranteed way to make him smile, but more often than not it will generate one.
Momma? Does my mohawk make me look like a bad boy? |
Fuzzy outfit! Wiggle and groove time, dude! |
Tell me more Daddy. So Link lives in the Deku tree? |
Woo hoo! I'm a lucky little boy! |
Uh Daddy? I don't understand a whole lot of this Dante story, but I do like that you're reading to me in Italian. |
Your face isn't scratchy like Daddy's. |
Sometimes I wake up HAPPY in the morning! |
Well I would! (And I figured out how: by making a MASSIVE mess in my pants shortly after this was taken.) |
Actual: Twenty Seven weeks (March 17th - March 23rd)
Corrected: Fifteen
Weight: 12 lbs. 7.5 oz. (March 23rd)
Well this has been a huge week for Evan:
1. Rolled from right side onto back. This is really more assisted than him doing it completely on his own. He does seem pretty pleased with himself when he does it though!
2. First sleep-over at Gma and Grampa's. Andrew was away on business (first time and longest he's been away from Evan). We escaped Buffalo for a few days. Evan got to experience sleeping in a crib for the first time - he loved it. Annndddd....
3. Discovered just how awesome the sailboat mobile is at Gma's. I have never heard this kid chatter and shriek from happiness like he did when the sailboats were racing. I do think I hate the song "Rock-a-Bye Baby" though. Probably too early to start hating kid songs though...
4. Starting reaching for letter links held above his face. Evan has favored his letter B for a few weeks now. He's now reaching (albeit clumsily) for his letters on a more regular basis. This is something the therapists want us to keep working on.
5. Went on errands! In the real world! My mom and I introduced Evan to Errands. (Next time, we'll introduce him to Returns.) We're starting Evan out in smaller stores that I know will be quiet and not very crowded. I'm still leery of end of season germs so we'll avoid Target, Wegmans and the mall for a while. He was so well behaved. I learned that I am adaptable to nursing in the car. I was a little curious to see how Evan and I would do without the milking chair and boppy.
6. Went in the swing for the first time - Evan's still deciding if it's fun. We found a new-to-us swing at a consignment shop in Webster (Toy Go Round). After seeing how much he enjoyed the mobile and knowing he likes it when the car is moving - I figured he would like the swing. The jury is still out. He'll go in it for a few minutes at a time. I think it will grow on him!
7. Graduated from the bassinett to the pack 'n play. Sniff, sniff! Evan has outgrown the bassinett. The 80 year old bassinett has been in the family and passed around for anyone to use. I am so thankful that Evan was able to sleep in it. It was so beneficial (especially for the weeks that he was on the heart monitor). We're (okay me), not ready to put him in the crib yet so Evan will reside in a pack n' play for a little while. The new video monitor should come in a few days so maybe I'll be ready to move him into the crib by then.
Evan is definitely starting to discover that he can make noises. Every time I try to record him, he clams up. He was shrieking at my parent's and giggles while Andrew dance/hops. It's so exciting watching him discover new things. It's almost hard to believe he started out so small and frail.
We're battling some pretty icky cradle cap. I've switched to every day baths (instead of every other). Thankfully, Evan likes bath time. I think it's also another little clue to him that it's time for bed. The cradle cap doesn't seem to bother Evan; just me. The doctor doesn't seem worried about it. I just hope it really doesn't bother Evan.
For the last few months, Evan has been on a new insurance through Andrew's work. While the customer service department is amazing, the coverage is kind of crummy. (Something that was difficult to determine when you're picking an insurer from a list. We knew the coverage wasn't going to be as great as it was when we were all on my insurance, we had no idea the issues that we would have on the new one.) We have to call about every bill and don't even get me started on his reflux medication. While Evan was in the hospital, we knew that we should look into Child Health Plus. Unfortunately, I could never find the time to fill out the paperwork and enroll Evan. We finally enrolled Evan into Child Health Plus (starting in April) and it is going to be amazing. For a child like Evan who is in and out of doctor's appointments, everything is covered. Instead of paying for insurance through Andrew's work, we pay directly to the new insurance company. Everything is covered. I tell you this not to spark a debate on Obamacare or anything, but just to say that Child Health Plus may be worth looking into if you have (or are going to have) a child. From what I understand, it's not beneficial if you have more than one child since you pay per child. While we would never have stopped Evan from getting treatment or medication, it is nice to know that we don't have to worry about fighting the insurance company to pay anymore. (Special thanks to my mom's broker that figured out what I had filled out incorrectly on the form. Seems I'm out of practice on form filling out.)
A few videos:
Dancing and Giggling with Daddy:
I'm not sure about this:
Evan loves the sailboat mobile:
Yay stripes! And yay for the letter O with no edges to jam in my eyes. |
So you're telling me, you like to run errands? Forgive me, but you wouldn't have returns to do in the first place if you just didn't buy the stuff, right? |
I love plaid! And bare feet! |
Oh Grampa, they took me to all these consignment shops and a knick knack shop. Next time I want to stay at home with you and organize tools. |
Whoops I lost my jammies! |
Oh my goodness. This regatta is awesome. I think the yellow boat is winning. Wait no, the polka dot. Oh man, I just don't know! (Now I can't wait to see the SBJSA Alumni regatta this summer!) |
Excuse me, I'm talking to Grampa and you're interrupting. |
Who likes foxes? Why I do!! |
I love bath time. Momma says to ignore the old stained tub. |
Every morning we have family snuggle time. Sometimes I make Daddy late for work. Heehee |
So this is Vera? Meh. I think my letters are better. |
I like to wiggle around when I go to sleep. |
Resting up for some more errands! |
Geesh. All these consignment stores start to look the same after a while. Am I doing "Guy shopping with glazed look" properly? |
Make another silly face Uncle Owey! You're funny. |
I like Barnes and Noble. I think I want to go to story time. |
Momma you were right, Panera bread is so awesome. |
I like doing tummy time with Daddy. |
So Daddy, when Momma comes home I'll be super cranky as if I've never eaten. She'll think it's a fun joke. |