Corrected: Twenty Eight weeks
Weight: 15 lb. 15 oz. (June 22nd)
Andrew and I celebrated our four year wedding anniversary. Seems like just yesterday we were celebrating at the lighthouse!
Evan enjoyed a visit with his great aunt and uncle from Montana (and his great grandparents). He was a good little boy and entertained everyone. He made sure to show off his thumb sucking and eating skills.
Evan tried carrots this week. Good thing he likes them, we have a freezer full now! I'm using these Munchkin freezer cups ( that I absolutely love. The purees freeze really fast and pop out of the silicone molds easily. I just have two sets since I store the frozen veggies in freezer bags. I need a better labeling system though as carrots and yams look exactly the same!
We have a little rolly polly machine on our hands. Evan is now rolling from back to tummy 100% on his own. When we set him down on his back, he immediately rolls to his tummy. He's pretty happy hanging out on his tummy - until he's not. Then he gets all upset that he can't roll to his back. I help him by rolling him onto his back and he immediately rolls to his tummy and starts the cycle all over again! I fear my time of leaving him alone in the room for a few minutes is coming to a close.
We woke up one morning to Evan yelling "daaadaadaaadaaa". I'm still not confident that he knows what Dada means. Maybe there's still hope that his first word with meaning will be Momma! Evan is quite the little chatterbox. He likes to hear himself talk. I taking recordings of him laughing or babbling and he will babble right back to himself when he's listening. He's really shrieking a lot more as well. This is super fun when we're trying to FaceTime.
Evan had his first playdate with his Aunt's niece. He kinda ignored her which makes me happy - I'm the only girl for him still. His little playmate just learned to crawl and it was fun to watch her scoot around. I'm looking forward to Evan scooting around. I know that it will mean getting rid of a lot of the knick knacks that we have out - but it will still be fun to see him exploring!
And a video:
Evan sits in a big boy stroller
Momma, I look like a dork. Are you trying to make me look like Steve Urkel? |
I didn't do this. I think the dogs pulled this apart. |
So this is a big boy stroller, huh? |
So then I tell Momma, "I won't spit up on you!" hahaha |
Freezy hand tastes so good! And Momma will tell you when I'm teething! |
Please leave me alone. I'm readin'. |
Look! I can do tummy time, patch time and suck on my thumb. All at the same time! |
I like sitting outside! |
Whoops, I fell asleep mid-oatmeal. |
But how am I supposed to nap? |
But I don't wanna go to bed! You and Daddy don't have to! |
Momma, I need my sunglasses! |
I love Uncle Ryan and Aunt Candyce's new house! |
Actual: Forty Two weeks (June 23 - 29)
Corrected: Twenty Nine weeks
Weight: 16 lb. even (June 20th)
Evan is a tornado of energy! He is rolling all over the place now - you can't turn your back on him at all! I left the room for 5 minutes and when I came back, he had dismantled his play gym and was on the hardwood floor trying to figure out how to eat the dog bed.
Speaking of eating, Evan had the last of the stage 1 veggies this week. We made butternut squash. He wasn't so sure about it at first, but seems to enjoy it now. How is it that babies will eat all kinds of veggies but then as they grow up they refuse them? I'm sure I ate yams and squash as a baby, but I do not like them now.
We also took our first of many walks to the library. The library is about a block and a half away from us (and across the street from a Dairy Queen.......) The Brighton Place library isn't part of the Erie County system. It's owned by the community. It reminds me of the library that I grew up going to. I can't wait for Evan to get a little bit older so he can go to story time.
Just hanging out at the River. |
Uh Daddy? I'm not a big fan of the heat. |
I'm ready to play golf with you Daddy. Wait, why do I hafta wear pants? |
Can I try taking pictures? I think I'd be really good at it. |
Daddy, this is a library book. Momma said I couldn't eat it. |
Evan: Ooooo. What's this? Layla: Uhuhhhhuhh. What's this? |
Evan: I think I want to eat you. Layla: I'm curious, but still not so sure. |
Evan: Omgosh! You move! Awesome. Come back, come back, come back! Layla: OMG! YOU MOVE! GET AWAY, GET AWAY, GET AWAY! |
Rollin', rollin', rollin'. My puppy is keeping an eye on me in the background. |
*Screeeeeeeeeech!* I loooooove to shriek. |
Hm. This thing is in my hand. How do I get it in my mouth? |
Daddy doesn't like bees! I gotta get this outta here! |
Crab or piano? |
Outside! We're outside! So I can use my OUTSIDE VOICE! |
Momma said I have to use my indoor voice at the library. So I fell asleep because I didn't trust myself to be quiet. |
Just waking up from my walking nap. Walking sure tires me out! |
Okay, I'm ready. Oatmeal me. |
Crab butt! Happy baby! |
Hanging out at Old Man River with Momma and Gma. |
Just walkin'. |
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