Sunday, June 15, 2014

Thirty Nine and Forty Weeks Old

Actual: Thirty Nine weeks (June 2 - 8)
Corrected: Twenty six weeks
Weight: 15 lb. 3 oz. (June 8th)

Evan had his 9 month check up this week. It's hard to believe that he's already 9 months old! Sometimes I look at him and I forget that he was so early. It's just so amazing to see how far he's come. We had a blast from his NICU past while at the pediatrician. The new nurse practitioner used to be in the NICU. It was great to see her (outside of the NICU). It definitely made me reflect on our NICU time. We're getting farther and farther away from our 80+ day stay. I remember going through it, thinking that I would always remember the NICU days, but now I struggle to remember the day-to-day. I'm working on transferring the NICU posts and pictures into a book for Evan's 1st birthday. (Um, how is that only in a few months?!) Looking at the pictures from September-November, it's hard to relate them to the ball of energy that we have home with us now. Evan has come so far. I am amazed every time I look at him. He's so strong and determined. I love just watching him try to figure things out. What is he thinking? Andrew claims he's just thinking about milk all the time.

Here are Evan's 9 month stats:
Height: 25 inch (from his 14 inches when he was born)
Head circumference: 17 inches (can't remember) 

He's moved on to eating green beans. I tried making green beans - he was not impressed. After buying a jar, I can see that my beans are a little watery and not as smooth. He wolfed down the store bought kind. Maybe we'll just stick to buying the green beans.

Evan also enjoyed his first lunch out with a friend. He was a little champ and sat and listened to us girls talk. He's happy as long as he has a toy and his hand to distract him. (Yep, he still loves his hands.)

Annnnndddddd..... Evan is sleeping in his crib! It was a lot easier than I thought it would be. Evan, of course, had no problem falling asleep in his crib. Evan's room is on the second floor on the opposite side of the house from our first floor bedroom. Thankfully, we have a video monitor with night vision so I can zoom in and watch him breathe. He slept all night and woke us up with his babbling.

Excuse me, I'm having a moment here. Pictures later!

I have *thismuch* patience for pictures left.

Grandpa likes snuggling with all his grandkids. Yep, there's a chihuahua on his lap.

This milksicle is awesome!

It's so refreshing!

Well, my feet don't quite touch yet.

Good thing I have this ball to help prop me up in this fun activity center.
What should I try to eat first?!

Milk cheek.

I have my bib on. Where's my food?

Look at all these flowers ducky.

Giggle. Momma! I'm still not ready for my high chair.
Still happy Great Gramma made me this ball though!

Mmmmmm beans! The more you eat the more you...... snuggle.

Oh hand. How I love thee.

What do you mean, I have to leave this toy at Gma's house? I love it!

Thanks for being a creeper Momma.
You've been elevated to the Supreme Creeper status.

Actual: Forty weeks (June 9 - 15)
Corrected: Twenty seven weeks
Weight: 15 lb. 7 oz. (June 15th)

This week brought Andrew and my monthly anniversary (yes, we still celebrate that!). We've been together for 11 years. Hard to imagine the teenagers that we were when we first started dating. 

Evan had a follow-up appointment with the cardiologist this week. After a few tests, the doctor said that Evan's looking great (no kidding! :)) I was able to see that Evan's PFO is still present, but it has reduced in size. The doctor said that we don't need to come back unless we want to around 4-5 years of age. The PFO will not slow Evan down at all. I tried to get the doctor to tell me that Evan wouldn't be able to play contact sports, but he said that Evan will be healthy enough to be a linebacker. Rats. :)

Evan is getting stronger in the baby bjorn. We had him front facing for a little bit this week. He looks huge facing out. His neck still isn't strong enough to support him facing out for too long, but I think Evan really liked his new vantage point.

Evan tried peas this week. Again, I won't be making these. For a pound that cost about $2.50, I was only able to get about an 8th of a teaspoon. Shelling the peas then blending and straining... so not worth it. Evan got to enjoy a jar of peas. He was pretty grumpy by the time he got his first spoonful so he was not happy. Thankfully on the second day, he was all about the peas.

A couple of videos:
Evan kicks for yams
Evan gets aggressive

Selfies with Daddy are the best.

Last day in my robot shirt. It's officially too small.
I'm into my 6 month clothes now!

Hm. Full belly, now what?

Oops, fell asleep 2 bites into my oatmeal again.

Look how big I am in my high chair!
I still curl up like a potato bug though, but I'm almost ready for it!

I see those keys you're dangling to try to get me to smile. I want them in my mouth!

Seriously Momma, how many pictures do you need of me?!

I don't think I like peas!
You made yams this morning, I thought I was having yams for dinner!

When do I get to go see a ball game? I'll wear a helmet, I promise!
Oh, but I need a glove to catch the foul balls.

Good thing I have a sweater for my trip to the Farmer's Market.
It's chilly this morning!

Helping Momma work on the blog.

What do you mean I have too many chins and no neck?!

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