Friday, November 1, 2013

Two Months Old!

Our peanut is two months old today! It's so hard to believe how far he's come!

September 1 - 740 grams

October 1 - the big news of the day was a two hour snuggle.

November 1 - Mr Pants is extubated 24 hours after surgery and wants to snuggle.

Evan was still very out of it this morning. He was looking a little puffy like maybe he had retained some fluid. The nurse said that it was most likely due to the fact that he hadn't really moved at all. Evan was still on the conventional ventilator but was breathing (a little) on his own. As we left for lunch, the resident said that they were going to be aggressive about weaning him from the ventilator.

Around 4 pm, Evan was extubated! He had woken up while we were away this afternoon. I guess he was being grabby with the vent tube. He wasn't in any pain (the last Tylenol was given at 10 am), but was just ticked about the tube in his throat. As he was intubated, he wasn't able to cry or grunt or make any noises. Today, he would just open his mouth as if to say something, but nothing would come out. It was completely different compared to the last time he was on the conventional.

Okay, the fun is over. Someone feed me!

Extubation is extremely easy. One good yank and Evan could have pulled the tube out on his own (some babies do!). Evan was put back on regular wall oxygen at the same settings (.5 litres and room air). He tolerated the switch like a pro and his stats never dropped.

Of course I didn't drop my stats. I'm awesome.
Now where's my milk? You've been promising it for daaaaaaaays!

We were able to feed him today. Unfortunately, he will need to work back up to full feeds so he's just getting 5 mL for now. The formula lab was closed (they mix his milk with an extra fortifier for the extra calories) so he was just getting straight milk. We bottled the 5 mL and he sucked it right down. He's such a pro now. As soon as he finished the bottle he was pretty calm. I think he thought we were taking a break before he got to have more. As soon as I put him back in his bed, he got fidgety and a little cranky. I know he was thinking "but wait! That wasn't enough! I'm not supposed to go back until I'm full!" They'll keep him on the 5 mL overnight and then increase tomorrow. I believe they'll increase him 5 mL with every feeding. Thankfully, Evan has always tolerated his feeds so we don't have to worry too much.

*Sigh* This is what I was waiting for!

Evan was smacking his lips for more.
(Sorry for the blurriness, he was just being too cute and I had to share!)

I can't believe our little boy is two months old. It doesn't seem like two months have already passed. I look back at pictures from the beginning and it's hard to believe Evan is the same baby. Some days I forget how small or sick he really was in the beginning. Evan barely fit into the mini-mini diapers and now he's wearing newborn 1 (big, but still he's wearing them!).

Thanks to everyone and their support. Every word of encouragement is greatly appreciated. I tell Evan all the time what a huge group of fans he has. He usually just grunts and lets out a toot. :) Hopefully we'll soon be posting pictures of Evan here with us. We love his hospital family, but we're anxious to have him here. I know the dogs are certainly looking forward to teaching him how to snuggle.

1 comment:

  1. Happy 2 Months Evan! Way to go sweetie! His eyes are soooo blue! And the pudge under his chin just makes me melt. All my love and hugs and prayers to Colleen and Andrew for being such courageous and loving parents! I am so proud and happy for you. xox
