Sunday, May 18, 2014

Thirty Five and Thirty Six weeks old

Actual: Thirty five weeks (May 5 - 11)
Corrected: Twenty two weeks
Weight: 14 lbs. 2 oz. (May 11th)

I had Evan's quarterly review for his Early Intervention services (Occupational and Physical Therapy) this week. Evan is hitting his goals. The therapists feel he is about a month and a half behind his actual age. 

Not much else to report on... we also headed to Rochester for some grandparent time.

Milk! Gimme my milk! How else do you think I've gotten this big!?

Hehe. I like foxes.

Milk coma complete with milk belly.

We're going on a walk around the block, right?
Cuz you have enough toys as if you were taking me shopping. We're not shopping right?

TJ Maxx puts me right to sleep. (Actually, most stores do!)

Baskin' in the sun on the porch.

Huh? How do these "selfie" things work again?

Uh Momma? I don't think I'm ready for the stroller-stroller part yet.

Bob Marley work shirts on? Check. Hangin' out with my Dad? Check.

Yo ho ho and a boobie for me.

When can we go fishing?!
Momma says I have to wear protective glasses in case the hook comes flying at me.

Actual: Thirty six weeks (May 12 - 18)
Corrected: Twenty three weeks
Weight: 14 lb. 6 oz. (May 18th)

Evan had a few doctor's appointments this week. We first headed down to the hospital to take part in a follow up session regarding the Prematurity and Respiratory Outcomes Program (PROP) study that Evan is part of. We signed up for this study when Evan was just a few days old. It is a non-invasive study that tracks Evan's health and development over the course of his first year of life. I don't remember too much about the study since we signed up for it so long ago. This week's meeting was just a questionnaire regarding his health since discharge. I was happy to report that he's been a healthy and happy little boy!

Evan also met with the urologist. Poor guy, he has no idea what's coming at the end of summer. Evan was not able to be circumcised when we were discharged because he was still too little. Now that he's bigger, it is apparently treated as a same-day surgery performed under anesthesia. Thankfully, we're able to time the procedure with a "looksee" scope on his throat. 

Developmentally, Evan is doing great. He has started to pull letters off his face if you put them there. Previously, he would just look startled and wiggle around until the letters fell off. He's so deliberate and careful when he's reaching for toys.

We also had our first fun family outing - not to a doctor's appointment or the hospital! We walked around our old neighborhood down in the Elmwood area. We met up with friends and had a really nice afternoon.

A couple of videos:
Evan gets tickled
Evan can't get enough of Mother Goose

So whaddya guys think? Do the Bills have a chance this season?

I. love. bathtime. I LOOOOOOVE IT!

Packin' on those ounces!

Zzzzz. Hanging on to my letters just to make sure they're still there when I wake up.

On I have drool on my face? Well you try lifting up your big noggin'. It's hard work!

Gooooooooo Yankees!

I can't wait to pull her tail. It's going to be awesome.

Just hanging out with Captain Calamari. He's my pirate twin!

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