Friday, October 11, 2013

Five weeks 4 days old

Whoops - forgot to hit post last night! Happy Friday!

Evan had an exciting day today.

Look how I'm growing!
(Blurred to preserve a liiiiittle bit of modesty.)
He was moved from the giraffe incubator ($50,000 bed) to a regular incubator. The new incubator doesn't allow for the top to come up. The doctors don't feel he needs immediate access anymore. His new bed looks like a greenhouse. He also looks much bigger since his apartment is smaller. His new incubator doesn't have a scale in it so he'll have to get weighed on the scale like a big boy. He tipped the scales at 1445 grams today (a little over 3 pounds).

Evan and I had two great snuggle fests today. The first one was interrupted as I had to go go a doctor's appointment. The second one was tonight and his Gma was able to see him out and about.
Holding Gma's hand.

Oh! And! Evan wore clothes today!! Well, a shirt and no pants (pants are overrated anyway). I got him all dressed up and then the nurse and I remembered we were going to have a kangaroo snuggle. I just unbuttoned his shirt and he hung out half dressed. He looked like such a big boy!

Evan also had his first eye exam. I guess he did not like it at all. Thankfully we missed the exam because he held his breath and dropped his heart rate in protest. We'll find out the official results tomorrow, but unoffically Evan's eyes are underdeveloped. (No kidding.) He'll have a repeat exam in 2 weeks to check progress.

Evan also "worked" with the physical therapist today. She showed me how to make sure his feet are pointed in when he's on his stomach. Preemies like to point their feet out so they can push against the rim of the snuggly. This isn't good for bone development. She also started Evan on massage. She'll work with him a few times a week until he goes to the zoo.

Loooooove you Momma.


  1. What a cutie! Baby snuggles are the best :)

  2. Oh my goodness ... these pictures are wonderful! And your posts continue to entertain me and Lenny! Love to all of you!
