Friday, October 4, 2013

Four weeks 4 days old - Update

Written October 4, 2013 10:57 pm
Howdy and sorry for the delay!

We were woken up on Thursday morning due to a call from the hospital. Not really the way I want to start the day... Overnight, Evan's acidosis had gotten worse. They stopped his feeds and administered sodium bicarbonate (essentially Tums). He was also taken off the high flow cannula and put back on the NIV (still not intubated though). The NIV would give him more respiratory support so he could concentrate on brining the acidity in his blood levels down. Thankfully, we were already aware of the acidosis situation so it was more of a "heads up" phone call.

Evan experienced lots of bradys on Thursday. (During rounds on Friday I learned he had 15 brady episodes.) Andrew and I were at the hospital Thursday evening and witnessed 7 alone. Bradys are very scary because Evan's heartbeat drops. He will pick it back up with mild stimulation (a pat on the bum or a rub on the head).

An X-ray early Thursday morning showed that there was some air in Evan's stomach and intestines. Up until this point, he has never had a problem with his stomach or intestines. Sometimes air gets into the stomach and will cause a baby to have problems with feeds. Evan always digests his food and his belly is always nice and soft. To help vent the air, Evan had a new tube inserted into his stomach. (I tried to look up the word so I could be technical, but couldn't find it...) The tube was set to suction to help rid his stomach of the extra air. The air that was stuck in the intestines would have to come out the old fashioned way. Evan needed to fart!

During rounds, I was able to see the X-ray. Instead of focusing on the stomach and intestines, I right away noticed that his lungs were much clearer. The doctors did say that his lungs looked great. Woot! :)

Evan's labs were repeated to check for infection. The doctors started him on preventative antibiotics incase any of the labs did grow out an infection. This was particularly frustrating as he was set to come off his antibiotic.

Evan also received a transfusion in the morning. This will also help with the acidity.

When we got to the hospital Thursday night, our smiley little boy greeted us. The stomach vent was no longer suctioning air. The latest X-ray showed that the air was looking much better.

Around 9:30 pm, Evan experienced a really bad brady. The doctors couldn't figure out what Evan was struggling with. They ordered the labs from the night before redone to see if he picked up an infection. They also increased his respiratory support. The doctors were also talking about re-intubating Evan and putting him back on the conventional ventilator. The whole experience was very scary to witness. By the time we left, Evan was peaceful and stable.
"I don't trust this thermometer!
I'd rather have my blood drawn!" 

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